Meaningful treatment benefit in ambulatory patients1
Statistically significant and highly expressed ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin in treated patients1
Clinical trials confirmed targeted ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin expression in skeletal muscle cells across ambulation status and ages studied.

* All patients received 1.33 x 1014 vg/kg, as measured by ddPCR.
† Change from baseline was statistically significant.
‡ Adjusted for muscle content. Control was level of wild-type (normal) dystrophin in normal muscle.
ddPCR=droplet digital polymerase chain reaction.
Patients with Duchenne typically have little to no endogenous dystrophin.3
A clear association between Week 12 micro-dystrophin expression and clinical outcome assessment (assessed by change from baseline on the Performance of Upper Limb version 2) in non-ambulatory patients has not been established.1
Assessment of ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin levels can be meaningfully influenced by differences in sample processing, analytical technique, reference materials, and quantitation methodologies. Therefore, valid comparisons of ELEVIDYS micro-dystrophin measurements obtained from different assays cannot be made.1

Impact on motor function
Patients treated with ELEVIDYS scored higher on the NSAA, compared with placebo. While results favored ELEVIDYS, they did not reach statistical significance.1

The NSAA provides a broad assessment of physical function using a 3-point scoring method (0=inability, 1=ability with assistance, 2=complete independence). Scoring may limit the sensitivity of NSAA to changes over short time spans.12
LS=least squares; NSAA=North Star Ambulatory Assessment.
Patients treated with ELEVIDYS demonstrated a clinically relevant change in the ability to rise from the floor and walk/run compared with placebo2,25

Both the TTR from floor (>5 seconds) and time to complete the 10MWR test (>10 seconds) are key clinical predictors of decline.20,21
MWR=meter walk/run; TTR=time to rise.
Totality of evidence confirms a clinically relevant treatment benefit1

Results favored ELEVIDYS across critical measures of motor function.
*Measured in seconds.
MWR=meter walk/run; NSAA=North Star Ambulatory Assessment; TTR=time to rise.